Highlights of what is going on at Finca Terrerito in April 2024!

Highlights of what is going on at Finca Terrerito in April 2024!

Join us on our coffee journey! We're excited to share the latest news from our farm, straight to your roastery. We will be posting updates on our progress, innovative techniques, and the challenges we face. Your input is crucial in shaping our content, so please share your thoughts! Get ready for a behind-the-scenes look at what makes our coffee farm tick.

The 2023/2024 harvest has come to a close, and we're celebrating some significant milestones! We're proud to have created employment opportunities for many, opened a school for the local village and FincaT children, and produced exceptional coffee. However, we faced a significant challenge with a 27% decrease in production yield compared to the previous year, resulting in increased costs. A warm weather pattern called El Niño was the main contributor to this decline.

We're now busy preparing your fresh crop for export! Keep those orders coming, and we'll keep working hard to bring you the best coffee possible. Let's navigate the ups and downs of coffee production together!


Advancing Towards a more Sustainable Future – Innovative Initiatives at FincaT

April 2024, a month where innovation and growth are in full bloom! Two innovative projects are taking shape, promising to revolutionize our coffee cultivation and water resource management. From our drip irrigation coffee system, first of its kind in all our region, to expanding our cement drying patio, we are committed to progressing towards more sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.


Drip Irrigation System: Capturing & Caring for Our Most Precious Resource

At Finca T, we understand the vital importance of water in cultivating exceptional coffee. That's why we've invested in a water reservoir to harness millions of gallons of rainwater, ensuring a sustainable and efficient water management system. With over 10 million gallons of rainwater already captured, we're now implementing a state-of-the-art drip irrigation system across a portion of our coffee farm. This cutting-edge technology delivers water directly to the roots of our coffee trees, maximizing every drop and minimizing waste. By precisely controlling water distribution according to each harvest's specific needs, we're not only nurturing healthy and thriving trees but also protecting the soil and contributing to a more sustainable future. This innovative approach represents a significant milestone in our commitment to environmentally conscious agriculture practices, ensuring the long-term preservation of our precious water resources. An additional benefit we hope to see out of this project is increased yields and cup quality as we can more precisely deliver nutrients and water to the trees at the exact moment they need it versus hoping mother nature delivers rains. We're excited to continue pushing the boundaries of sustainable coffee production and look forward to sharing our progress with you!

 placing pipes in water pumpCutting had for water irrigation


Person working on irrigation systemfarm pipe

Expansion of the Coffee Drying Patio—Growing Pains J

At Finca T, we're dedicated to empowering rural Honduran coffee farmers and fostering a sustainable coffee production ecosystem. Our commitment goes beyond mere investment; it's about involvement and community building. We partner with small-scale farmers who lack the resources to build cement patios for drying, so we welcome their wet coffee with open arms. As we expand our farmer network, we need more drying space to ensure proper drying quality.

Final photo of patio with trees visible

Our farm employees walking in the yard

The Escuela Rural Mixta Terrerito Matiak Foundation School Update

We are in our third month of school at the farm. For those of you who are just reading about the school, let’s get you up to speed. Last year with the help of the Matiak Foundation, a 501c3, we broke ground on a school located on the farm that would be a resource for the surrounding communities and the kids of the farmhands at Finca T. This school is needed as the next available option for the kids would be a one and a half hour walk from the farm. This school will be fully bi-lingual and the accreditation process has been started to ensure that if the kids wanted to go on for further education, their credits from the school would carry forward. The school building will also serve as a community meeting space as well as a clinic. If you would like to learn about opportunities to help this project, do not hesitate to reach out!

In April, the students worked on some fun projects. Those include “Toma de Posesion” (students assumed their student body governing positions), celebration of Earth Day where they planted trees and picked up garbage from surrounding areas, and others.  Follow us on Instagram @esc_tmf 

 school infrastructure and work equipmentChildren and people from the Terrerito Matiak Foundation school

Looking Towards the Future

As these projects continue to advance, we're excited about the positive impact they'll have on our farm and the surrounding communities. With every step forward, we reaffirm our commitment to cultivating high-quality coffee in a sustainable and environmentally respectful way. By employing local labor, we're building a bridge between tradition and innovation, combining nature and technology to produce truly exceptional coffee. For us, coffee is a labor of love, a story of dedication, quality, and passion for the art of producing extraordinary coffee. We're proud to share this journey with fellow coffee roasters who share our values and commitment to sustainability. We look forward to sharing more updates and happenings with you again in our next blog. Don't miss any of our exciting news and see you soon!

coffee and our farm terrerito cap


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